Henderson Heritage Group – second annual public event

The Henderson Heritage Group (HHG) will be hosting a 2-hour online event on: 

Cultures of Enquiry?: ‘Experiences in Communities’. The online meeting will take place from 6pm – 8pm on Friday 13th October.

The original Henderson Hospital unit, established at Belmont Hospital in 1947, held a prestigious status as an international centre of excellence for providing compassionate care to trauma survivors. It also embodied the principles of the Democratic Therapeutic Community model. Unfortunately, its doors closed for the final time in 2008, leaving a profound impact on the lives of numerous individuals who lived and worked there, as well as those connected to the Communities at Webb House and Main House.

HHG aims to facilitate reflective discussions featuring a panel of speakers who havelived experiences within the Henderson Communities, exploring the broader themes of communities, culture andbelongingness.

For additional details and to secure your spot at this event, please visit the following website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cultures-of-enquiry-hhg-experiences-in-communities-second-annual-event-tickets-688838563687?aff=oddtdtcreator

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